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Argentina military junta members,
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Acosta, Jorge Eduardo. (Navy Captain)
- Alias "El Tigre" (the tiger). Chief of the Intelligence Task Force
Navy unit GT-332 based at the ESMA (Navy Mechanics School) on Avenida
Libertador in Buenos Aires. Responsible, with his colleagues
Rub�n Jacinto Chamorro,
Captain Francis Whamond, Luit. Enrique Yon, Luit. Garc�a Velazco,
Luit. Antonio Pernia, Luit. Juan Carlos Rol�n, Luit. Roberto Gonz�lez,
and others) for about 5000 kidnap and murder cases, many of them
thrown out alive into the Atlantic ocean from Navy planes.
As the boss of Alfredo Astiz, Acosta is also
responsible for giving the orders to kill the Swedish teenage girl
Dagmar Hagelin, the French nuns of the Church of Santa Cruz, Leonie
Duquet and Alice Domon, and the founder of the Mothers of Plaza de
Mayo human rights group, Azucena Villaflor de Vicenti.

Acosta was clearly a psychopath. One minute he could be kissing
a wanted prisoner through the man's hood, overjoyed at seeing him on
the torture table of the ESMA, the next minute twisting the dial on
the electric shock machine higher and higher, his face contorted with
[Children of
Cain, p. 93]

Acosta's credibility evaporated as he began his testimony before a
civilian court in December 1986; "I have no knowledge that there
were prisoners in the Mechanics School", he said. In another time
he added: "There were no detentions as such. It was like someone
goes to a police commission and they're asked, 'Is this what you did?'
If he said he did nothing ... he could leave."
Today, Acosta works for the federal government at the ministry of
the interior in Buenos Aires, in which archives, incidentally, all the
testimonies given before the
kept out of the reach of the general public.
Agosti, Orlando Ram�n. (Brig. Gen.)
- Commander of the Air Force. Member of the leading triumvirate (
Massera, Agosti) that seized power in Argentina
on March 24th, 1976. After democracy was restored, Agosti was
sentenced to 4 1/2 years in jail for his part in the repression era.
Set free by President Carlos Menem before serving his full sentence as
a result of
military pressure.
Anaya, Jorge I. (Adm.)
- Commander of the Navy after
Lambruschini in the third (Galtieri's)
Junta. Main planner of the
Falklands-war invasion. Acquitted in the post repression 1985
Astiz, Alfredo (Lieut.)
- [From the testimony of Silvia Labayru, File No. 6838]:
"Alias 'Angel', 'El Rubio', 'Blondie', 'Crow', or 'Eduardo
Escudero', then a navy lieutenant, had some experience of infiltrating
human rights organizations. Possibly this is why he was entrusted with
this particular duty at the end of 1977. Between October and November
1977, under the name Gustavo Ni�o, Astiz began to attend the masses,
public actions and meetings being organized at the time by the
families of the disappeared. He posed as a brother of a real missing
"The fourth and last time, when I went with him to a private home
in the La Boca district, it had been decided in advance that the
people in the meeting would be kidnapped. This was one of the five
operations which were to be carried out between the 8th and 10th of
December. The other four were: the abduction of a group meeting in
Santa Cruz church; the abduction of people gathering at an established
meeting place in a bar on the corner of Ave. Belgrano and Paseo Colon;
the subsequent kidnapping of Azucena Villaflor de Vicenti, founder of
the Mothers of
Plaza de Mayo group, as she was leaving her home, and finally the
kidnapping of one of the nuns, Leonie Duquet, at the home she shared
with Alice Domon, who had previously been abducted in the La Boca

[From Uki Go�i's
Argentina First
Rights Pages]:
Astiz, still baby-faced and in active service at 44 years of age,
stood out among the repressors because of his youth, his
heart-stopping good looks, his bright shock of silken hair, and his
zeal for kidnapping, torturing and murdering defenseless women.
Although the Navy credits Astiz with a key role in the fight against
subversion, his known list of victims does not include a single proven
terrorist. Instead, he can claim the deaths of a 17-year-old Swedish
girl [Dagmar Hagelin], whom he shot in the head from behind, two
French nuns, aged 40 and 63, four Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in their
50s and three women in their twenties, none of them linked by any
court to any terrorist activity.
On April 26, 1982, unable to withstand a British attack for more
than 24 hours,
Astiz surrendered the South Georgia island to British commandos in
Malvinas/Falklands war. "He was very brave when he had to murder
unarmed women, but he surrendered immediately when he had to fight
real soldiers," said Nora Corti�as, another mother who remembers Astiz
from when he infiltrated the group.
A new book by Uki
Go�i: "Judas - El
Infiltrado" (in Spanish) tells the full story.

Astiz was held under arrest pending sentence for these crimes in
Argentina for five months in 1987, but was finally released under the
amnesty laws to those "following orders" by democratic President Ra�l
Alfons�n. Still he cannot leave Argentina because of Interpol arrest
orders for the kidnapping and murder of the two French nuns and the
Swedish teenage girl. In 1990, a French court indicted Astiz in his
absence to life in prison. Still, in 1995,
a promotion
was seeked by the Admiral of the Argentine Navy. A massive public
protest and and pressure from the French government led to the
resignation of Astiz from the Navy by the end of that year.
Bayon, Juan M. (Brig.)
- data requested
Bignone, Reynaldo Benito (Gen.)
- On 28th of March 1976, headed a wide operation in the Alejandro
Posadas Hospital in the Haedo district. During this operation 40
people were kidnapped, the rest of the hostpital staff was discharged,
and the place was converted to a secret detention center. Also served
as the head of another secret detention center based in the military
school in Buenos Aires.
One of the testimonies (given by Hugo Ernesto Carballo, file no.
6279) mentions a visit of high ranking officers to where he was
detained in which Bignone informed the prisoners that "in a dirty war
the innocent paid for the guilty."
Bignone main entry into history will probably be as the main crime
cover-up architect. Bignone was already retired when he was requested
by the junta to replace Galtieri as president after the defeat of the
Argentine Army in the Falklands. On July 1st, 1982, two weeks after
Galtieri's resignation, Bignone became the fourth and last president
of the de-facto government.
Realizing that the military could not continue to govern as a
result of the terrible economic depression, the increasing dissent
resulting from the mass disappearances, and the rout in the
war, Bignone gave explicit orders, in a confidential decree no
2726/83 to destroy every documentation related to the detained and
disappeared, Then, he proceeded to organize elections to install a
democratic and civilian government. Under his leadership, the junta
took precautions, before the elections, of adopting a general amnesty
purporting to immunize every member of the military from prosecution
for any crimes committed in the so called "war against subversion."
Bignone was sentenced to prison on his part in the repression, but
was released long before completing his jail period as a result of
Bussi, Antonio Domingo. (Maj. Gen.)
- Military governor of Tucuman in 1976 and 1977. Responsible for
directing the torture and disappearance of more than 500 people in the
province. According to several testimonials, Bussi
personally took part in the killings.
Bussi could serve as the ultimate proof of how short people's
memories can be; nearly twenty years after committing crimes against
his own people, retired army general Bussi was
elected as governor of the province of Tucuman. Argentine writer
Ernesto Sabato -- who during the 1980s led the
Commision on the Disappearance of Persons (CONADEP) -- called
Bussi's election "a horror," and pointed out that if it wasn't for the
"Punto Final" amnesty law, the former general would be in jail.
Camps, Ram�n J. (Gen.)
- Chief of the Buenos Aires provincial police under the Videla
junta. Responsible for hundreds of disappearances and many secret
detention centers over a wide area including COT 1 Mart�nez, Pozo de
Quilmes, Pozo de B�nfield, Puesto Vasco, Arana, La Cacha, Police
station no. 5, & La Plata detective Squad headquarters. Personally
involved in torturing prisoners as documented in several files by the
National Commission on the disappeared.
In a Feb 11, 1983 interview to James Neilson of the
newspaper La Semana, Camps confessed that "no disappeared
persons were still alive" and that "no one told the truth so as not to
affect international economic aid" (a surprising confession of a top
military man) and warned that "the struggle is not over, nor my role
in it".
Camps were among those top officers, who were tried and sentenced
to prison but released long before completing their jail period as a
result of
military pressure.
Chamorro, Ruben Jacinto. (Vice Adm.)
- Alias 'Dolphin' or 'Maximo'. Chief of the Navy Mechanics School
(ESMA) in Buenos Aires, one of the most notorious secret detention
centers, as Navy captain. Was later promoted to Rear Admiral under the
Navy commander-in-chief Emilio Massera.
During his time as Navy Mechanics School commander Chamorro and his
staff were responsible for thousands of tortures, lootings of
detainees homes, and murders. The Navy Mechanics School came to the
headlines in 1995 when retired Navy personnel who were serving in that
base, started
a series of confessions about throwing hundreds of live detainees
from Navy planes into the Atlantic ocean.
Dalla Tea, Carlos A. (Brig.)
- A graduate of the School of the Americas, 1960.
data requested
D�az Bessone, Ram�n Genaro (Gen.)
- Appointed minister of planning at the beginning of the
dictatorship and throughout most of the repression period.
Etchecolatz, Miguel Osvaldo
- General Director of Investigations for the Buenos Aires Police
under Ramon Camps. Responsible for 21
Clandestine Detention Camps that functioned in Buenos Aires, among
them the Pozo de Quilmes, COT1 Mart�nez, and Arana. Also known for his
involvement in the "Night of the Pencils", an operation that involved
the disappearance of several high school students in one night.
Etchecolatz was convicted in Federal Court of 91 charges of
torture, and sentenced to 23 years in prison. However, he was freed
through the "Due Obedience" law after serving only a small part of his
Now serves as vice president of ANIDAR, a fascist group formed by
retired military, ex-repressors and neo-nazis.
Galtieri, Leopoldo Fortunato (Gen.)
graduate of the School of the Americas, 1949.
Commander of the 2nd army corps when the first junta took power in
1976. The third president of the de-facto government between Dec 1981
and June 1982.
While president, during the worst economic depression in Argentina
since the 30's, Galtieri turned to the traditional remedy of
unsuccessful tyrants and attempted to divert public attention by
ordering the occupation of the Falkland (Malvinas) and South Georgia
The small group of islands in the south atlantic which Britain has
ruled since 1833 and which have long been claimed by Argentina, were
invaded on April 2nd 1982 by the Argentine army. As it turned out,
Galtieri and his advisors fatally misjudged Great Britain's
willingness to defend its territory and citizens. The sudden
occupation has led to a brief war and a spectacular and humiliating
defeat of the Argentine forces.
On June 14th 1982 the Argentine forces in the Falkland islands, led
by Gen. Mario Menendez, surrendered
unconditionally to the British and the British rule of the islands was
restored. The loss of the
war has led to the resignation of Galtieri from presidency on June
17th, 1982. A third (and last) junta was placed in power under a new
president, Reynaldo Bignone. Ironically, the
occupation of the Falklands, has accelerated the end of the junta
Galtieri was acquitted in the junta trials on charges of committing
crimes against the Argentine people, but convicted later, in 1986, on
charges of incompetency while leading the army in the Falklands War.
He was set free after serving only a small portion of his sentence as
a result of
military pressure.
"A young woman testified that after she had been held
blindfolded and tortured for months she and others in her group were
allowed to clean themselves, in preparation for a visit to the
detention center by General Galtieri, who was then army commander of
the local district. Galtieri asked if she knew who he was, and if she
understood his absolute power over her. ``if I say you live, you live,
'' he said, ``and if I say you die, you die. As it happens, you have
the same Christian name as my daughter, and so you live.'' [Nunca
Mas, introduction]
Garcia, Osvaldo J. (Maj. Gen.)
- data requested
Graffigna, Omar D. (Brig. Gen.)
- Commander of the Air force after Agosti. Acquitted in the post
repression 1985 trial.
Harguindeguy, Albano Jorge (Gen.)
Appointed minister of the Interior under the junta rule. Among the
most devoted accomplices of the military. In his post as minister of
the interior, Harguindeguy virtually eliminated the judiciary system
filling it with military key personel, leaving the families of the
disappeared with no way of finding out the fate of their loved ones.
Harguindeguy was sentenced to prison in the post dictatorship
democratic trials against the junta, but was set free by president
Carlos Menem after serving only a small part of his sentence as a
result of
military pressure.
Hughes, Augusto H. (Brig. Gen.)
- data requested
Laidlaw, Carlos E. (Brig.)
- data requested
Lambruschini, Armando (Adm.)
- Commander of the Navy after Massera.
Sentenced to eight years in prison for his part in the repression, but
released after serving only 4 years as a result of
Lami Dozo, Basilio A.I. (Brig. Gen.)
- Commander of the Air force after Omar Graffigna. Acquitted in the
post repression 1985 trial.
Martella, Luis Santiago (Maj. Gen.)
- data requested
Mart�nez De Hoz, Jos� Alfredo
- The Economy Minister for 5 years under the junta rule.
The most prominent civilian of the junta accomplices.
A member of the great land owner families and a prominent banking
figure he attacked hyperinflation and the steep deficit by an
onslaught on consumption and wages. As a part of his economic
policies, strikes were banned, and union leaders and supportive
workers were considered "subversive" leading to their mass
disappearances. Mart�nez De Hoz's extreme and autocratic market
economy virtually devastated the Argentine manufacturing sector which
wasn't able to compete with a flood of foreign imports, and brought
the balance of trade deficit to gigantic proportions. In addition, the
overvalued peso was a bubble about to explode spiraling the country
into a great depression. As a result, he was forced to resign in 1981.
Martinez de Hoz was sentenced to prison by the democratic judiciary
but released long before completing his term as a result of
Massera, Emilio E. (Adm.)
- Code named Zero. Commander of the Navy. Member of the
triumvirate (Videla, Massera,
Agosti) that seized power on March 24th, 1976. During the
formation of the task force to wipe out the left-wing, Massera
delivered an inaugural address to the appointed officers which
concluded with the exhortation to "react to the enemy with the utmost
violence and without hesitating over the means employed."
Massera is known as the greatest appropriator of the "dirty war".
Responsible for a massive appropriation of looted companies, homes and
properties of disappeared people by means of extensive forgery of
documents. One description of the method was given to the Buenos Aires
Herald reporter, David Cox, in an interview with an abducted person
who was forced by his captors into a collaborator,
Miguel Angel
Lauletta (1995):

How where the documents you made used?
"Many participated in the sale of homes of the disappeared. A woman
would tell me: make me some documents with these facts, and with the
picture of such a person who is coming down to have his photograph
taken. I would take the photo, make the document and the document was
then taken to the officer who had requested it. It was said that with
these papers they used the name of another person to sell property,
the property of someone who disappeared."

"The boys should be compensated for the risks they run," Massera
liked to say. When a prisoner was "sucked up" (kidnapped or "chupado"
in spanish), his goods were sucked up as well, ending out in the Hold,
a warehouse for books, TV sets, mattresses, washing machines,
paintings, furniture, and clothes. One woman who was sent to work in
the Fish Tank (an area in the ESMA so called for its transparent
acrylic walls, where privileged prisoners, who agreed to colaborate
with their captors used to work, monitored by closed circuit
television) was greeted by her entire living-room set - wicker chairs
and couch and a stereo - which was now in the Fish Tank's lounge.
[Children of
Cain, p. 90]

As commander of the Navy, Massera is responsible for at least 5,000
cases of torture and murders of people who passed through the ESMA
("Escuela Mechanica de la Armada," or The Navy Mechanics School), one
of the most notorious of the dirty war detention centers. The ESMA was
the last station for political prisoners before they were thrown alive
into the Atlantic Ocean from Navy airplanes.
Admiral Massera was sentenced to life in prison by a civilian court
on December 9, 1985 but was released after serving only 4 years of the
sentence as a result of
Men�ndez, Luciano Benjam�n (Gen.)
- Alias "The Hyena". Commander of the 3rd Army corps. in Cordoba
during 1976, Responsible for the atrocities commited in La Perla, La
Perla Chica, and La Ribera in the province of Cordoba and the
killing of
hundreds. Cousin of Mario Menendez.
From the testimony of Jorge Bornardel, [File 5782] before the
commission on the disappeared: "In June 1977 I was transferred
as a hostage from Unit no. 9 in La Plata, to Cordoba, along with
twenty-three others. They took us to La Perla, where an officer gave
us a personal message from General Menendez. He told us that `the
Hyena', as Menendez liked to be called, had decided that if there were
any terrorist attack during President Videla's
forthcoming trip to the North, we would be the ones to pay for the
crimes of others. The list was a curious one: if a soldier, worker or
member of the public were to die, four of us would be killed; if on
the other hand the victim were an NCO, the payment would increase, and
so on up to the scale until it reached Videla himself. In that case we
would all be shot without hesitation."
Menendez was sentenced to prison in the second series of trials
against top military officers, but was set free after serving only a
small part of his sentence as a result of
Men�ndez, Mario (Gen.)
- Commander of the occupation forces in the Falkland Islands (Las
Islas Malvinas) during the
war. Cousin of Luciano Benjam�n Men�ndez.
Men�ndez, Salvio O. (Rear Adm.)
- Commander of the notorious Navy Mechanics school (ESMA) which
served as the last station to death for about 5000 prisoners.
Minicucci, Federico Antonio (Brig. Gen.)
- Commander of the 3rd Infantry regiment based in La Tablada, Buenos
Aires, responsible for the detention centers in the area including the
SDC El Vesubio and El Banco, where at least one case of a newborn
abduction and disappearance of the mother was recorded before the
CONADEP. Mentioned in testimonies 98, 1310, 2262, 7169
Nicolaides, Cristino (Lieut. Gen.)
- Commander of the 7th infantry brigade in the northern province of
Corrientes (bordering on Paraguay,) during the first year of the junta
rule. Later promoted to be the commander in chief of the army in which
he served during the last period (Bignone) of the junta rule. Several
testimonies prove that the top command was well informed about the
abductions and the tortures, and participated in them, to wit:
"I was arrested in my house in the town of Corrientes, and taken
to the offices of the federal police in that town. There I was hooded
and tortured, and later transferred to the officers mess of the 9th
infantry regiment, where they set up simulated executions and also
tortured people. One of the visitors I saw myself and was even
interrogated by was the then commander of the 7th brigade, General
Cristino Nicolaides. Another visitor was the then commander of the 2nd
army corps, General Leopoldo Fortunato
Galtieri, who was there in mid-november 1976." [Martha Alvarez
de Repetto, file #7055]
Ojeda, Eduardo R. (Brig.)
- data requested
Ortiz, Raul J. (Brig.)
- data requested
Piotti, Mario A. (Maj. Gen.)
- data requested
Perren, Jorge (Navy Capt.)
- Member of the GT332 Task Force, based in the Navy Mechanics School
(ESMA), the most notorious of the secret detention centers. From the
ESMA, thousands of people were flown in navy planes and thrown alive
into the Atlantic ocean.
Rico, Aldo (Luit. Col.)
- A broken-nosed "Dirty War" officer, and a
War veteran, Rico co-lead a series of
uprisings of extreme military groups against the democratic
government of Alfons�n in 1987 and 1988.
Luitenant Colonel Aldo Rico, Colonel Mohamed Al�
Seineld�n and their clique came to be known as the "Carapintadas"
(painted faces) since they had their faces smeared with bitumen. The
Carapintadas were defeated by the legitimate army forces, tried, and
sentenced to prison.
On October 5, 1989 as part of a sweeping military appeasement policy,
the newly elected president, Carlos Menem, pardoned most of the
convicted Carapintadas, Aldo Rico included.
No longer in military service and out of prison, Aldo Rico turned
to politics: In 1991, he established an ultra right-winged party
called MODIN (Spanish initials for "Dignity and Independence Political
Party",) which captured 10 percent of the national vote in late 1993,
but was down to 1.8% of the votes in the elections for presidency in
1995. Responding to this defeat, in his trademark blunt style, Rico
told journalists "If we made some mistakes I'm not going to talk about
it to you."
Riveros, Santiago Omar (Gen.)
- While the diabolical machine of the junta repression was driven by
sadists and greedy petty officers and militiamen, the orders
nevertheless came from the highest ranks of the army. As the head of
the Argentine delegation, General Riveros made the responsibility of
the top-level for the crimes clear in his fairwell speech given to the
Inter-American Defence Junta on January 24th, 1980: "We waged this war
with our doctrine in our hands, with the written orders of each high
Riveros was sentenced to prison in the second series of trials
against top military officers, but was set free after serving only a
small part of his sentence as a result of
Roualdes, Roberto Leopoldo (Col.)
- [New data received in July 1999] As the commander of a
special army commando in the province of Entre Rios, participated in
anti guerrilla actions in the town of Victoria. After the 1976 coup,
he was promoted to colonel and moved to the capital Buenos Aires as a
deputy for the notorious General Suarez
Mason, head of the 1st Army corps where he served as commander of
the capital district commando. During his post in the capital, Roberto
Roualdes became richer, alledgedly due to the typical seizure of
property of disappeared people.
From an email to The Vanished Gallery:
``RLR had a boat. It was his most precious possession. Once promoted
to colonel, he promptly moved to a bigger house. Then he had two
houses. Then he exchanged his boat for a really fancy yacht. Things
were going pretty well for him in those years when thousands were
being shot and tortured within his district, it seems... RLR used to
have phrases he liked repeating, one his favorites was "I'm the master
of life and death" ...''
[source name withheld by request.]
Rovere, Jorge Carlos Oliviera (Gen.)
- data requested
Ruben, O. Franco (Adm.)
- data requested
Ruiz, Julio C. (Brig.)
- data requested
Saint Jean, Ib�rico (Gen.)
- Appointed governor of the Buenos Aires province by the 1st junta.
Appointed minister of the interior by the 3rd (Galtieri) Junta. As
late as June 1982 (after the mass disappearances were a well and
widely known fact) still blandly restated the false government line:
"out of 8700 persons arrested since the 1976 coup, 7000 had been
released and a mere 475 remained in prison."
In the book
of Cain by Tina Rosenberg General Saint Jean is quoted
as saying:
"First, we must kill all subversives, then their sympathizers; then
those who are indifferent; and finally, we must kill all those who are
Santamaria, Pedro A. (Rear Adm.)
- data requested
Santiago, Humberto F. (Brig.)
- data requested
Sasiai�, Juan Bautista. (Maj. Gen.)
- Commander of Campo de la Ribera, an originally military prison
turned secret detention center for civilians in Cordoba. Served
directly under Luciano Menendez.
Responsible for tortures an killings in that camp including the well
documented [file no. 4317] death of a woman, Amelia Nelida
Inzaurralde, as a result of torture. Later, the head of the Argentine
federal police. In an interview to the paper La nacion on April
10, 1976, Sasiain declared that "The army values a human being because
the army is Christian." One of the many examples how white,
right-wing, nationalistic, and religious sentiments had lead to the
uncontrolled prosecution of those who were different in any respect.
Sasiain was sentenced to prison in the second series of trials
against top military officers, but was set free after serving only a
small part of his sentence as a result of
Scilingo, Adolfo Francisco (Navy Capt.)
- Almost twenty years after the junta atrocities took place retired
Navy Captain Adolfo Scilingo broke the two decades of silence with a
shocking confession. According to Scilingo, prisoners were
stripped, drugged and thrown into the Atlantic from navy aircraft
between 1976 and 1978.
The full
story as it appeared in TIME magazine. Scilingo's confession was
soon followed by others like
Victor Ibanez,
Simon, Hector Julio (1st Sergeant)
- Also known as "The Turk", "Julian the Turk" (El Turco Julian in
Spanish). Although not a commissioned officer,
evidence against this extreme sadist warrants the inclusion of his
name here.
A member of the federal police in Buenos Aires. Chief torturer of
prisoners in the secret detention centers Club Atletico, El Banco, and
El Olimpo. A self-declared anti-semitic, used to wear a swastika on
his chest, and loudly play records of Hitler speeches to his victims
while shouting at them, punching them, and whipping them. One evidence
mentions him kidnapping a man from a hospital after the man has been
hit by a car.
Hector Julio Simon was spared indictment due to the
"obedience of orders by low-ranked officials" clause. When
interviewed on Argentine TV in 1995, he has made it clear that he has
no regrets whatsoever, and if he would just be given the opportunity,
he would do it all over again.
Seineld�n, Mohamed Al�. (Col.)
- A co-leader of the extreme Carapintadas military group who led a
series of
barrack uprisings against the democratic government of Alfons�n in
1987 and 1988, effectively blocking the judicial process against the
responsible for the 1976-1983 repression.
Unlike Luitenant Colonel Aldo Rico, and others
who abandoned the violent struggle in favor of politics, Colonel
Seineld�n is the only one to remain in prison (as of Jan 1996).
However his imprisonment is related to the uprising in the military
base of Villa Martelli in 1988, and the December 3rd 1990 Operaci�n
Virgen de Luj�n and not for his part in the repression.
Seineld�n is known to be the most extreme of the extremists. He
initiated clandestine training of a non-military militia group
"Dignity Batallion", one of its members was quoted as saying: "In the
world we admire Khaddafy and Noriega. The principal enemy is not
Russia because Marxism is dying. The principal enemy, not counting
Zionism, is the United States and England." [Norden:
p. 145] Frequently seen with a large crucifix adorning his chest,
Seineld�n is known to be strongly antisemitic. "It's easier to find a
green dog than an honest jew," he was quoted as saying during the
"carapintada" revolt of Villa Martelli in 1988. During the same
rebellion, one journalist, observed Seineld�n wearing an arm band
fabricated of the Argentine flag with a cross in the center. When
asked about it, the colonel reportedly responded: "This? ... It's the
next Argentine flag." [Norden:
p. 132]. It should be noted that Jews suffered disproportionally and
subjected to especially sadistic tortures under the dictatorship.
While less than 1% of the Argentine population is jewish, more than
10% (some sources quote 13%) of the disappeared were jews.
Sotera, Alfredo (Brig.)
- data requested
Su�rez Mas�n, Carlos Guillermo (Gen.)
- Alias Pajarito (Birdie) and El Cacique. Commander of
the 1st Army corps based in the area of the capital, Buenos Aires. One
of the leading figures in the most extreme faction in the military
during the repression era (together with
General Luciano Benjamin Menendez and Colonel
Mohamed Al� Seineld�n.) Escaped Argentina before the trials
against top junta leaders began. Found hiding in California in 1987
and extradited to face trial. Convicted for crimes against the people
but released on October 1989 by president Menem after serving only a
small part of his sentence due to
Suppicich, Jose M. (Rear Adm.)
- data requested
Trotz, Ernesto (Gen.)
- data requested
Valin, Alberto A. (Brig.)
- data requested
Verdura, Ignacio Anibal. (Lieut. Col.)
- Chief of the 2nd regiment of Armored Fusiliers of Olavarr�a.
Responsible for the Monte Peone, La Huerta, Las Flores Detective
Squad, and La Plata Detective Squad secret detention centers, located
in the 124 security area, and hundreds of disappearances of persons
who passed through them.
Verplaetsen, Fernando Ezequiel. (Gen.)
- Chief of Intelligence in Military Institutes in 1976. Chief of
police of the Buenos Aires province in 1977. Responsible for setting
up the secret detention center "El Campito" (aka "Los Tordos").
Videla, Jorge Rafael (Gen.)
A.k.a. "The Bone." The head of the responsible.
Born in Aug. 2, 1925, in Mercedes, Argentina de-facto president of
Argentina from 1976 to 1981 and the main architect of the dirty-war.
In 1975 President Isabel Per�n, under pressure from the military
establishment, appointed him commander in chief of the Argentinan
Army. From this position he began a reorganization of the military
leadership, removing officers sympathetic to Peronism. In the same
year, he led an army campaign against the People's Revolutionary Army
(Ej�rcito Revolucionario del Pueblo or ERP) in the northern Tucum�n
province, which resulted in the annihilation of hundreds of leftist
guerrillas. He proceeded to depose Isabel Per�n
on March 24, 1976, and became the de-facto president as head of a
three-man military junta (the other two being: Air-Force commander
General Orlando Ram�n Agosti, and Navy Commander
Admiral Eduardo Emilio Massera.)
Videla then suspended Congress and vested legislative powers in a
nine-man military commission, halted the functioning of the courts,
political parties, and labor unions, and filled all important posts
with military personnel. Hundreds of persons suspected of being
left-wing guerrillas were arrested in the last week of March 1976
alone, and between 10,000 and 30,000 others "disappeared" over the
next few years.
Videla retired in 1981 and was succeeded by
Roberto Viola.

Asked in 1977 about a woman who was in a wheelchair when she was
captured by the military, General Videla replied, "One becomes a
terrorist not only by killing with a weapon or setting a bomb but also
by encouraging others through ideas that go against our Western and
Christian civilization."
[Children of
Cain, p. 112]

On December 9, 1985, a civil court handed down its opinion,
hundreds of pages long, convicting 5 of the nine members of the three
preceeding military juntas. Videla and Massera
who had commanded the army and navy during the worst years of the
repression were convicted of multiple cases of homicide aggravated by
the defenseless state of victims, aggravated false arrests, torture,
torture resulting in death, and robbery, and sentenced to life
imprisonment. However, both were released after serving only 4 years
of their sentence as a result of
Vilas, Acdel Edgardo (Gen.)
- Head of the detention center Escuelita de Famailla, in the
northern Tucuman province. Responsible for summary executions of
prisoners in the detention center and staged shootouts masked as
"confrontations" in Bah�a Blanca and La Plata, by the 5th army corps.
Sentenced to prison in the second series of trials against top
military officers, but was set free after serving only a small part of
his sentence as a result of
Viola, Roberto Eduardo (Gen.)
- Succeeded Videla as president On March
29 1981. Nine months later, on Dec. 21, 1981, the de-facto government
announced that Viola was stepping down for reasons of health, and
General Leopoldo Galtieri took the post.
When asked by a journalist about the need for an investigation into
the problem of the disappeared, Viola replied: "that is absolutely out
of the question. This is a war, and we are the winners. You can be
certain that in the last war, if the armies of the Reich had won, the
war crimes trials would have taken place in Virginia, not in
Nuremberg." [Clarin, March 18, 1981] Sentenced to 17 years in
prison by a civilian court on December 9, 1985. Released after serving
only 4 years of the sentence as a result of
Zaratiegui, Horacio (Rear Adm.)
- data requested
Zorreguieta, Jorge
- (Photo courtesy of Nieuws.nl) Minister of agriculture
during the Videla regime. Became controversial recently as a result of
his daughter, Maxima becoming the fiancee of the Royal Dutch Prince.
All he had to say about his part in the repression was ``I support
democracy''. No regrets, no taking personal responsibility for
being a part of the top brass during the time tens of thousands of
innocent people were killed.
more data requested

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